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Thank You for Choosing CheckMark Payroll

Confirm your email address

A download link has been sent to your email account. Please allow 1-2 minutes for this email to arrive. If you don't see the email in your inbox, kindly check your junk or spam folder.

Generally, our email takes a minute or two on average to arrive in your inbox. For any questions, you can call 970-225-0522 or e-mail salesinfo@checkmark.com and our team will be happy to answer any questions.

How to confirm your email address and download CheckMark Payroll

1. Check your inbox for the email address you have entered in the trial form.

2. Look for an email with the subject line "Welcome to CheckMark - Your download is ready!"

3. If you find the CheckMark email in your spam folder, open it and click “not spam” or “add to contacts” to move the email to your inbox.

4. Open the email, and click the "Click here to download your trial software" link.

5. You will be taken to the downloads page, where you can download the CheckMark Payroll trial software.

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